When CBS' Two and a Half Men premiered in 2003, it quickly became a beloved sitcom, offering a humorous take on modern family dynamics. The show revolved around the lives of Charlie Harper, a carefree bachelor, and his neurotic brother Alan, who moves in with his young son after a divorce. Over its eight seasons, the series garnered immense popularity, despite facing challenges such as Charlie Sheen's departure due to personal struggles.
Charlie Sheen as Charlie Harper: Charlie Sheen, a seasoned Hollywood actor, portrayed the role of Charlie Harper with charisma. Following his tenure on Two and a Half Men, Sheen starred in FX's Anger Management and made appearances in various shows and films. He is also a father to four children.
Jon Cryer as Alan Harper: Jon Cryer, known for his role as Duckie Dale in Pretty in Pink, won two Primetime Emmys for his portrayal of Alan Harper. Since the show's conclusion, Cryer has appeared in several TV series, including The Ranch and Supergirl.
Angus T. Jones as Jake Harper: Angus T. Jones played the role of Jake Harper as a child star. While he had acting credits before the show, Jones has since largely withdrawn from the entertainment industry.
Conchata Ferrell as Berta: Conchata Ferrell brought Berta, the sharp-tongued housekeeper, to life on the show. Prior to Two and a Half Men, Ferrell had a rich acting career in both film and television. She passed away in 2020.
Marin Hinkle as Judith Harper-Melnick: Marin Hinkle, known for her role in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, portrayed Judith Harper-Melnick. Since the show, Hinkle has continued to appear in various TV series.
Holland Taylor as Evelyn Harper: Holland Taylor played Evelyn Harper, the boys' mother, with her signature dry humor. Taylor's career spans decades, and she is currently in a relationship with actress Sarah Paulson.
Melanie Lynskey as Rose: Melanie Lynskey portrayed Rose, the neighbor turned stalker, on the show. Following Two and a Half Men, Lynskey has enjoyed a successful TV career.
April Bowlby as Kandi: April Bowlby joined the show in its third season as Kandi. She has since appeared in several TV series, including Doom Patrol.
Ryan Stiles as Herb Melnick: Ryan Stiles played Jake's stepfather, Herb Melnick. Stiles is well-known for his role in The Drew Carey Show and his appearances on Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Jennifer Taylor as Chelsea Melini: Jennifer Taylor played Chelsea Melini, one of Charlie's love interests. She has also appeared in other TV shows and films.
Ashton Kutcher as Walden Schmidt: Ashton Kutcher replaced Charlie Sheen as the lead, playing Walden Schmidt. Kutcher, known for his roles in That '70s Show and various films, has been married to Mila Kunis since 2015.
Despite the show's conclusion, the cast of Two and a Half Men continues to thrive in their respective careers, leaving a lasting legacy in the world of television.